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In the news



Tyler Schmidt is thinking about the impact $71.5 million could have on Ohio's efforts to fight an opioid epidemic that's left death and destruction in its wake.

"The LIT Movement" could definitely benefit from money like that.

Recovering Addict Partners with Church to Help Others

Air Force veteran struggling with addiction, but Tyler Schmidt was able to beat it. He's now partnering with Pastor Daniel Hughes and giving back to the neighborhood where he got sober.

Benefit Concert Helps Those Struggling with Addiction

Concert benefit helping men released from jail to find Sober Living housing, help them find jobs, and provide emotional and spiritual support.

tracking impact of Tax dollars on Ohio's fight against heroin

People showing love and support to another they don't even know, in hopes of helping them. This is what the Living in Testimony (LIT) Movement is all about. The LIT grants are provided by donations, they receive NO funds from the federal government.

make connections to help addicts

A record number of Ohioans have died from drug overdoses. What does help look like?